The next step is to create a relationship between this contract with an organization. In this example, the "Many to one" relationship will be used because multiple contracts can be tied to a single organization.
1. To add a relationship, click on the N:1 tab and click New Relation "Many to one" .
2. On the Relation N:1 form, select the primary object as "Organization." The Related Object will be the Contract object (the friendly name appears as opposed to the system name)
3. Enter a Field Name, such as "Organization."
4. Enter a Friendly Name that will render next to the field in a user view.
Checkmark the box next to Allow Nulls if you want the user to be able to submit the form without having to enter any data into the field. Otherwise, an unchecking this box means that this becomes a required field that the user must enter data in.
5. Checkmark the boxes you want the field to render in, such as the Edit Form, View Form, and Short Info Form.
To learn more about forms, go to Customizing an Existing Form.
6. Lastly, set the Display Region using the dropdown menu. The display region determines which section the field will appear within the business object--in this case, the Organization object. Note: Depending on your selection, you may have additional options below the dropdown menu, such as Display Text and Display Order. An example is below.
7. Click Save to save your changes and go back to the Business Object Customization form.
Now that the Organization business object is tied to Contract, you will see that Contract now appears under the Information section or the Organization Info view page.
Since this example ties many contracts to a single organization, the organization business object is automatically related to the contracts object as a "1:N" relationship.
Version: EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP2| Last updated: 2012-09-20 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us